The Three Lions Inn Taipei

幾百年來,「三隻獅子」就一直是英國皇室的御用象徵,並在1872年英國史上第一場國際性的足球比賽上,「三隻獅子」的圖騰出現在英國代表隊的球衣上。自此之後,「三隻獅子」以不同的設計形式,代表著英國的足球隊與板球隊,更進而被用來象徵所有極具英國文化風格的事物。三個英國老闆,所以選擇最能代表英國的「三隻獅子」命名這間座落於圓山花博公園裡的英國餐廳,想為台北市中心帶來些許的英式風格。對於英國人來說,不分男女老少,在風和日麗的午後,悠閒地與朋友或家人在傳統餐廳的戶外花園裡用餐小飲與交流感情,絕對是在記憶裡的一片美好拚圖。三個在台北相識,長住於這個城市的英國人,因緣際會地在繁忙的台北市中心尋得一個花園角落,打造 「The Three Lions Inn 三隻獅子英國餐廳」,試圖重溫他們對家鄉難忘的記憶,讓身處喧囂台北的朋友也能擁有充滿情感的慵懶英式餐廳時光。

The Three Lions has been a symbol of the royal family for centuries in England, and since 1872, when it was worn on the shirts of the England football team in the world’s first ever international football match, it has, in various forms, been the emblem of both England’s football and cricket teams and come to represent all things English. It was with these historical associations in mind that the English founders of The Three Lions Inn set out to bring a taste of England to the heart of Taipei City. At this new English-themed pub and restaurant, customers can either sit and chat with friends in the large sheltered beer garden, or relax inside, where football (soccer) and other sporting events are televised live. There is also a darts board, where you can try your hand at the traditional English game.